10.0 J

10.1 jab...

jab v. 1 stab, thrust, poke, dig, prod; plunge; nudge; tap: The
doctor jabbed a needle into my arm. 2 punch, hit, strike, belt,
smack, rap, whack, thwack, cuff, thump, wallop; elbow; Colloq
clip, sock, slug, biff: I jabbed him in the jaw with a quick

--n. 3 stab, thrust, poke, dig, prod, nudge: I felt the jab of
her elbow signalling me to be quiet. 4 punch, belt, smack, rap,
whack, thwack, cuff, thump, wallop, Colloq clip, sock, slug,
biff: A hard jab in the stomach made the bully turn to pudding.

jabber v. 1 blether or US only blather, chatter, babble, gibber,
gabble, prate, prattle, patter, drivel, rattle, Brit natter,
Scots yatter, Colloq gab, gas, yap, witter: The couple behind
me jabbered throughout the entire film.

--n. 2 See jargon, 2.

jade n. 1 nag, hack, Slang Brit screw, US plug: That old jade
hasn't won a race in his last ten times out. 2 shrew, harridan,
nag, hag, drab, witch, crone, hussy, minx, vixen, virago,
termagant, beldam, slut, slattern, trull, trollop, baggage,
tart, Slang battle-axe, broad, bitch, old bag, floozie or floozy
or floosie: He was married to an expensive jade of a wife.

jaded adj. 1 exhausted, weary, tired, dead tired, bone-tired,

bone-weary, dog-tired, fatigued, enervated, spent, Colloq (dead)
beat, dead, bushed, fagged, US and Canadian pooped: The
nightspot was full of jaded businessmen, who had gone there to
relax after a heavy day at the office. 2 sated, satiated,
cloyed, surfeited, glutted, gorged, fed up, sick (and tired) of,
slaked; dull, bored: You need a little champagne and caviar to
reawaken your jaded palate.

jag n. spree, carouse, orgy, bout, Colloq binge, US and Canadian
toot: She was terribly hung-over after last night's jag.

jagged adj. rough, uneven, notched, sawtooth, ragged, toothed, spiked,
indented, denticulate, serrated, chipped: I cut myself on the
jagged edge of that broken window.

jail n. 1 Brit gaol, prison, lock-up, reformatory, Brit Borstal, US
penitentiary, reform school, Nautical brig, Slang cooler, clink,
can, jug, stir, slammer, Brit nick, quod, choky or chokey, US
calaboose, big house, pen, coop, hoosegow, pokey: They were
sent to jail for life.

--v. 2 imprison, lock up, incarcerate, detain, confine, Brit
send down, US send up (the river): He was jailed for 30 days.

jailer n. Brit gaoler, turnkey, guard, Brit warder, governor, US
warden, Slang screw: The jailers let us out for exercise for an
hour each day.

jam v. 1 cram, force, push, wedge, stuff, press, ram, squeeze,
shove, pack, crowd: We were jammed in so tightly that we
couldn't move. 2 block, obstruct, congest, fill up, clog, plug,
stop up: The toilet is jammed with paper again. 3 slam,
activate, actuate: I jammed on the brakes.

--n. 4 obstruction, blockage, blocking, block, congestion,
tie-up, bottleneck, stoppage: She was stuck in a traffic jam
for an hour. 5 crush, squeeze, crowd, mob, swarm, multitude,
throng, mass, horde, pack, press: You wouldn't believe the jam
of football fans at the cup final! 6 trouble, difficulty,
predicament, quandary, dilemma, Colloq bind, fix, hole, pickle,
hot water, (tight) spot, scrape: Harry helped me out of a jam
once, and I won't forget it.

jamboree n. gathering, get-together, party, celebration, fˆte, festival,
festivity, carnival, frolic, revelry, spree, carouse, jubilee,
revels, charivari: Everyone is invited to the annual jamboree
in the village square.

jangle v. 1 clatter, clash, rattle, clang, clank, crash, ring, jingle:
The chains jangled as the prisoners marched to their cells. 2
jar, upset, irritate: The continuous screaming of the sirens
jangled my nerves.

--n. 3 jangling, clatter, clash, rattle, jarring, clang,
clanging, clank, clanking, crash, clangour, noise, din, racket,
clamour, dissonance, cacophony, reverberation, Literary stridor:
I heard the jangle of the rag-and-bone man's cart in the next

jarฐ n. crock; receptacle, vessel, container, urn, pot, vase; jug,
pitcher, ewer, flagon, carafe, bottle, amphora: We always keep
some small change in that blue jar.

jar v. 1 shake, agitate, disturb, stir, shock, jolt, jounce,
bounce, jog, jerk, jiggle, joggle: Don't jar the oven or the
cake will collapse. 2 disagree, conflict, clash, bicker,
quarrel, wrangle, oppose, discord: She finds that her emotions
about her ex-husband are jarring. 3 disturb, upset, disconcert,
unsettle, disquiet, bother, trouble, vex, gall, offend, take
aback, irritate, grate, irk, nettle, annoy: It jars me to think
that they got off with light sentences.

--n. 4 shock, start, jolt, surprise: Seeing Sam after all
those years gave me quite a jar.

jargon n. 1 cant, argot, parlance, idiom, vernacular, slang; patois,
Creole, dialect, pidgin; Colloq lingo: In the jargon of
philately, this is known as a 'first day cover'. 2 blether or
US also blather, chatter, babble, gibberish, jabber, gabble,
gobbledegook or gobbledygook, prattle, patter, drivel, cackle,
jabberwocky, twaddle, (stuff and) nonsense, rubbish, codswallop,
balderdash, bunk, humbug, palaver, bavardage, Colloq rot,
garbage, hogwash, bosh, piffle, flapdoodle, chit-chat, gab,
claptrap, Slang bull, crap: When I questioned my bank manager
about the fee, he just gave me a lot of jargon.

jaundiced adj. 1 coloured, tainted, distorted, twisted, prejudiced,
opinionated, biased, preconceived, untrustworthy, bigoted,
partial, unfair, perverted; dishonest, corrupt: Even the most
jaundiced view must acknowledge the merits of the plan. 2
splenetic, cynical, bitter, envious, resentful, jealous,
hostile, spiteful, unfriendly, disapproving, critical,
unfavourable, disparaging, denigrating: I can't say that I
agree with Cartwright's jaundiced review of the play.

jaunty adj. 1 spirited, lively, high-spirited, buoyant, brisk, frisky,
sprightly, free (and easy), blithe, jovial, happy, jubilant,
jolly, merry, cheerful, gay: It is heartening to see those
pensioners in such a jaunty mood. 2 chic, smart, stylish,
dashing, debonair, elegant, colourful, spruce, flashy, flash,
showy, flamboyant, Colloq sporty, natty: Tipping his hat at a
jaunty angle, the old boulevardier strolled off, twirling his

10.2 jealous...

jealous adj. 1 resentful, bitter, grudging, envious, covetous, green
with envy, green-eyed: Brian is jealous of attention paid to
anyone but himself. 2 distrustful, distrusting, mistrustful,
mistrusting, suspicious; anxious, insecure, threatened,
imperilled, vulnerable: Ken is very jealous of Kathleen. If
anyone so much as looks at her, he feels jealous.

jealously adv. watchfully, carefully, guardedly, protectively, warily,
vigilantly, scrupulously, zealously, eagerly, attentively,
anxiously, suspiciously: Victor jealously keeps all details of
his business to himself.

jeer v. 1 Often, jeer at. mock, laugh or scoff or sneer (at), flout,
deride, ridicule, make fun of, thumb one's nose at, gibe or
jibe, chaff, decry, twit, taunt, Colloq rag, bullyrag, roast,
Brit cock a snook at, Brit and Australian barrack, Slang knock:
Don't jeer at aromatherapy till you've tried it.

--n. 2 taunt, gibe or jibe, aspersion, hoot, hiss, boo,
catcall; derision, ridicule, obloquy: Just because he was fat,
Christopher had to suffer the jeers of his classmates.

jell v. 1 set, congeal, solidify, harden, coagulate, thicken,
stiffen, gelatinize: The mixture won't jell till you add hot
water. 2 (take) form, take shape, crystallize, materialize,
come together, be set: Their plans for the shopping centre have
not yet jelled.

v. endanger, imperil, threaten, menace, risk, hazard, venture:
You may jeopardize your freedom if you stand up for your rights.

jeopardy n. Usually, in sometimes at jeopardy. danger, peril; threat,
menace, risk, hazard, chance, uncertainty, vulnerability,
exposure, liability: She put her life in jeopardy by going into
the lion's cage.

jerk v. 1 yank, wrench, pluck, nip, tug, twist, tweak: I jerked the
dagger out of his hand, leaving him defenceless. 2 twitch,
lurch, jolt, jump, start, jig, jiggle, wriggle, wiggle: The
creature jerked about convulsively, screaming, then lay still.

--n. 3 yank, pull, wrench, tug, twist, tweak: With a sharp
jerk, he pulled the plaster from the child's leg. 4 lurch,
jolt, start, bump: The train stopped with a jerk, throwing me
off balance. 5 idiot, fool, moron, imbecile, Slang US dope,
creep, yo-yo, nerd, dweeb: Why would she want to go out with a
jerk like that?

jewel n. 1 gem, gemstone, brilliant, ornament, bijou, Colloq rock,
sparkler: Thieves stole a diamond necklace and an heirloom
brooch set with precious jewels. 2 treasure, marvel, find,
godsend, gem, pearl, prize, boon, Colloq catch: What would you
do without your secretary - she's an absolute jewel!

jewellery n. gems, precious stones, jewels, ornaments, finery,
bijouterie: Alexandra keeps her jewellery in a bank vault.

10.3 jiggle...

jiggle v. 1 jog, joggle, jig, shake, agitate, wiggle, wriggle, jerk:
It's odd to see grown people jiggling about on the dance floor

like that. Jiggle the key up and down - maybe then you can turn

--n. 2 jog, joggle, jig, shake, wiggle, jerk: I gave the line
a few jiggles, hoping to attract a fish.

jilt v. throw over, reject, dismiss, drop, discard, desert, break
(up) with, forsake, abandon, Colloq ditch, dump, brush off or
give (someone) the brush-off, Chiefly US and Canadian give
(someone) his or her walking papers: Angela met Tony and
promptly jilted Mike.

jingle v. 1 tinkle, ring, tintinnabulate, clink, chink, chime: She
wore a dozen bracelets, which jingled when she walked.

--n. 2 tinkle, tinkling, ring, ringing, tintinnabulation,
clink, clinking, chink, chinking, chime, chiming: I like to
feel the jingle of change in my pocket. 3 tune, ditty, melody,
song, rhyme, verse, doggerel: The only thing he ever wrote was
a jingle for a dog-food commercial.

jingoism n. chauvinism, flag-waving, superpatriotism, nationalism;
hawkishness, warmongering, belligerence, bellicosity: 'Might
makes right' is a basic tenet of jingoism.

jinx n. 1 (evil) spell, curse, evil eye, malediction, voodoo, US and
Canadian hex: I felt I had lost at roulette because she had put
a jinx on me. 2 nemesis, Jonah: If we don't throw that jinx
overboard we shall all die.

--v. 3 curse, bewitch, damn, doom, sabotage, condemn, US and
Canadian hex: My career was jinxed from the start.

jitters n.pl. shakes, fidgets, nerves, uneasiness, queasiness,
nervousness, skittishness, restlessness, apprehension,
apprehensiveness, Slang heebie-jeebies, willies US whim-whams:
He always gets an attack of the jitters before an exam.

10.4 job...

job n. 1 work, employment, position, berth, livelihood; career,

occupation, calling, vocation, appointment, pursuit, field,
trade, craft, profession, m‚tier, area: What kind of job is she
looking for? Harry has a new job. 2 assignment, responsibility,
concern, chore, task, undertaking, function, duty, role,
mission, province, contribution, charge: It is my job to see
that the machines run properly. 3 task, undertaking, procedure,
proceeding, affair, operation, project, activity, business,
matter, chore: The job of changing the gasket will take only a
few minutes. 4 problem, difficulty, burden, nuisance, bother;
toil, grind, drudgery; Colloq headache, pain (in the neck),
hassle, Slang pain in the Brit arse or US ass: It was a real
job getting them to pay for the damage. 5 crime, felony;
robbery, burglary, Slang US and Canadian caper: From the modus
operandi, I'd say that the same gang did that job in Manchester.

--v. 6 Often, job out. let out, assign, apportion, allot, share
out, contract, hire, employ, subcontract, farm out, consign,
commission: They undertake to do the work, but then they job it
out to others.

jog v. 1 trot, lope, dogtrot, run: I jog around the reservoir
every morning for exercise. 2 jar, prod, nudge, arouse, stir,
stimulate, prompt, activate, shake: I jogged his memory by
referring to the time the dog bit him. 3 bounce, shake, jolt,
joggle, jounce, jerk: I was being jogged about in the back of
the van as we sped over the rocky terrain.

join v. 1 unite, connect, couple, link, marry, yoke, combine, fasten
or tie or glue or weld or solder (together), unify: These two
pieces should be joined for greater strength. 2 ally or league
with, associate (oneself) with, team up with, throw (one's lot)
in with, enlist (in), sign (up) (with), enrol (in), enter: She
was invited to join the bridge club. 3 go or be with, associate
with, accompany, attach (oneself) to, participate with: Would
you care to join us for a game of bridge? 4 border (on or
upon), meet, touch, abut, butt, adjoin, be adjacent (to), extend
to, verge on, coincide (with), juxtapose, be contiguous or
conterminous (with), be coextensive (with): The two properties
join at the top of the ridge.

joint n. 1 seam, union, juncture, connection, junction, intersection:
The joint won't show after the whole thing's been painted. 2
Slang dive, dump, US and Canadian honky-tonk: We went into a

joint in Soho, looking for some action. 3 roast: Who carves
the Sunday joint at your house?

--adj. 4 shared, mutual, combined, collective, cooperative,
common, communal, collaborative: Our aims can only be achieved
by joint effort.

jointed v. articulated, segmented, sectioned, sectionalized, hinged:
The stick is jointed so that it can be folded for carrying in
the pocket.

joke n. 1 jest, witticism, quip, bon mot, laugh, wordplay, pun,
story, anecdote, Colloq gag, wisecrack, one-liner, crack:
Ronnie comes up with the funniest jokes I have ever heard. 2
laughing-stock, butt, (fair) game, buffoon: After that
incident, he became the joke of the regiment. 3 farce, mockery,
absurdity, travesty, caricature: My efforts to play the piano
became a joke.

--v. 4 jest, quip, pun, frolic, wisecrack, tease, taunt,
banter, chaff, fool, Colloq kid, US crack wise: They joked
about our predicament. You must be joking if you think I'm going
to go out with him!

joker n. 1 jokester, comedian, comedienne, funny man, humorist,
jester, comic, clown, wag, wit, punster, droll, zany, merry
andrew, buffoon, trickster, prankster, Colloq card, gagster, gag
man, kidder: Give him a drink and a funny hat and Roger thinks
he's the greatest joker in the world. 2 US catch, hitch, snag,
drawback, trap, twist, pitfall, fine or small print, Colloq
catch-22, no-win situation, Taboo nigger in the woodpile: The
joker is that whoever treats the patients catches the disease.

jolly adj. 1 merry, cheerful, frolicsome, gay, jovial, joyful,
sportive, convivial, jocund, jocose, jocular, frisky, coltish,
playful, festive, jubilant, cheery, exuberant, high-spirited,
animated: Everyone was in a jolly mood at her birthday party.

--v. 2 Often, jolly along. humour, appease, deceive, string
along, fool, hoax: They're just jollying him along because they
want him to invest in their scheme.

jolt v. 1 jar, shake (up), jostle, bump, bounce, jerk: The cart

jolted over the rough terrain. 2 butt, strike, hit, push,
nudge, elbow, knock, jab: He jolted me so hard he actually
cracked a rib. 3 shock, astonish, astound, amaze, surprise,
startle, stun, dumbfound or dumfound, stupefy, strike dumb,
daze, shake (up): I was jolted to learn that my husband had
been arrested for murder.

--n. 4 lurch, jar, jerk, bump, jump, bounce, start: The train
started with a jolt that almost knocked me over. 5 blow, shock,
surprise, bolt from the blue, bombshell: It was certainly a
jolt to discover that she had left me.

jot v. 1 Usually, jot down. make a note of, write or note (down),
put or set or take down, record: Jot down this telephone

--n. 2 scrap, grain, (wee) bit, speck, mite, iota, whit,
particle, tittle, Colloq slightest, US and Canadian tad, smidgen
or smidgin: I don't care a jot what she thinks about the
situation in Central America.

journal n. 1 periodical, magazine, gazette, newspaper, paper,
newsletter, review, tabloid; daily, weekly, monthly,
fortnightly, quarterly, annual: The journal contains
information about every building permit awarded in the entire
country. 2 diary, chronicle, dossier, record, register, log,
logbook, minute-book, minutes, documentation, album, scrapbook,
memoir, almanac, annal, history, yearbook, record book; roll,
catalogue, list: He kept a detailed journal of every event in
his twenty-year exile.

n. reporter, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, correspondent,
newsman, newswoman, member of the fourth estate, gentleman or
lady of the press, stringer; columnist; hack; newscaster,
anchorman, anchorwoman, commentator, broadcaster, Brit pressman,
paragraphist; newsreader, Colloq scribe, newsmonger, US and
Canadian legman, news-hawk, news-hound, news-hen: Journalists
crowded round the minister, urging her to make a statement.

journey n. 1 trip, voyage, excursion, tour, travel, outing, expedition,
junket, cruise, jaunt, pilgrimage, peregrination, odyssey, trek:
Did your wife accompany you on your journey to Tierra del Fuego?

2 way, passage, passing, transit, transition, progress, course,
way, trip, route, career: On your journey through this life,
Whatever be your goal, Keep your eye upon the doughnut, And not
upon the hole.

--v. 3 travel, tour, voyage, go (abroad or overseas), make or
take a trip, make or wend one's way, make a pilgrimage,
peregrinate, trek, rove, range, wander, roam, tour, cruise, gad
(about), gallivant or galivant or galavant: He journeyed to the
far corners of the earth seeking an answer to life's mysteries.

joy n. 1 pleasure, gratification, satisfaction, happiness,
contentment, enjoyment, gladness, delight, felicity, elation,
exaltation, ecstasy, bliss, exhilaration, exultation, rapture:
We felt indescribable joy at seeing the children safe and sound.
2 gaiety, cheerfulness, cheer, glee, buoyancy, joviality,
jollity, jocundity, joyfulness, joyousness, jubilation,
merriment, light-heartedness, blithesomeness: Let me wish you
joy in this holiday season. 3 delight, pleasure, treat,
blessing, gratification, satisfaction, prize: A thing of beauty
is a joy forever.

joyful adj. 1 cheerful, happy, buoyant, gleeful, merry, jovial, jolly,
jocund, joyous, jubilant, gay, light-hearted, blithe,
blithesome, sunny: We are delighted that you have all come to
help us celebrate this joyful occasion. 2 glad, pleased,
gratified, delighted, happy, elated, ecstatic, exhilarated,
exultant, overjoyed, jubilant, in heaven, Brit in the seventh
heaven, US in seventh heaven, Colloq on cloud nine, tickled
(pink), Brit over the moon: Mark was joyful at the news that he
was father of a boy.

joyless adj. 1 sad, unhappy, miserable, depressed, dejected, mournful,
downhearted, downcast, down, despondent, dispirited, melancholy,
heavy-hearted, cheerless, doleful, grief-stricken, disheartened,
saddened, crestfallen, wretched, disconsolate, inconsolable,
morose, heartsick, sorrowful, woeful, woebegone: It was a
joyless company that stood at the grave side. The cat died, the
dog died, and my husband was ill - all in all, a joyless time. 2
gloomy, depressing, dispiriting, disheartening, dreary,
lugubrious, cheerless, dismal, bleak, inhospitable, desolate,
grim, austere, severe: The shuttered, joyless house loomed out
of the misty moor ahead.

10.5 judge...

judge n. 1 justice, magistrate, jurist, Isle of Man deemster or
dempster, Slang Brit beak: The judge demanded order in the
court. 2 arbitrator, arbiter, umpire, referee, adjudicator,
judicator, mediator, moderator: She served as a judge at Crufts
dog show last year. 3 connoisseur, expert, authority, arbiter,
appraiser, evaluator, reviewer, critic, arbiter elegantiarum or
elegantiae: Let me be the judge of which work I do best.

--v. 4 adjudicate, adjudge, arbitrate, decide, find, conclude,
settle, determine, decree, pass judgement, deem, rule, pronounce
or pass sentence: Do you think the jury will judge in Claus's
favour? 5 assess, evaluate, appraise, estimate, rate, value,
weigh, measure, review, consider, size up, appreciate: A
ballistics expert is required to judge this evidence. 6
referee, umpire, mediate, moderate, arbitrate: Mr Farnsworth
agreed to judge the essay competition. 7 believe, suspect,
think, consider, suppose, guess, conjecture, surmise, conclude,
infer: Palaeontologists judge the age of the specimens to be
400 million years.

judgement n. 1 judgment, discretion, discernment, discrimination,
judiciousness, prudence, wisdom, wit, sagacity, perspicacity,
clear-headedness, perception, perspicuousness, percipience,
acumen, intelligence, (good) sense, common sense,
level-headedness, understanding, shrewdness: Charlotte's
judgement is often sought in such matters. 2 decision, ruling,
verdict, conclusion, determination, opinion, adjudication,
finding, decree, order; outcome, result, upshot: The judgement
of the court is final. It was the judgement of Paris to award
the golden apple to Aphrodite. 3 criticism, censure,
disapproval, reproof, condemnation: They offered a moral, not a
legal judgement. 4 opinion, view, belief, (way of) thinking,
mind, perception; sentiment: In my judgement, she is innocent.
5 evaluation, valuation, appraisal, estimation, assessment: One
critic's unfavourable judgement of a play can spell its doom.

judicial adj. 1 legal, judiciary, judicatory, juridic(al); official:
forensic: A formal judicial procedure can be quite costly. 2

critical, analytical, discriminating, distinguishing,
discerning, keen, sharp, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious,
differentiating, discriminatory, discriminative, judicious: Her
decisions have always been judicial. 3 judgelike, magisterial,
impartial, fair: He brought judicial procedures to bear on the
handling of the problem.

judicious adj. sensible, commonsensical, sound, sober, intelligent,
aware, enlightened, wise, sage, sapient, thoughtful, reasonable,
rational, sane, logical, discerning, discriminating,
discriminative, astute, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious,
well-advised, (well-)informed, prudent, discreet, tactful,
diplomatic, politic, careful, considered, circumspect: The
treasurer was considered not to have made judicious use of the
club's funds.

jug n. pitcher, ewer, urn, carafe, bottle, flask, decanter, jar:
She came in from the barn carrying a jug of fresh milk.

juggle v. manipulate, tamper with, falsify, fix, rig, distort,
misstate, misrepresent, alter, arrange, Colloq doctor, cook:
The accountant refused a bribe to juggle the company's books.

juice n. 1 extract, liquid, fluid: The recipe calls for the juice of
one lemon. 2 essence, pith, extract, vigour, force, vitality,
spirit, strength, power: He really squeezed the juice out of my

juicy adj. 1 succulent, moist, lush: This is a very juicy pear. 2
interesting, sensational, lurid, colourful, vivid, exciting,
stirring, thrilling, intriguing, fascinating, provocative,
suggestive, racy, spicy, risqu‚: I've got such a juicy piece of
gossip for you!

jumble v. 1 disorder, mix (up), mingle, confuse, confound, muddle,
shuffle, disarrange, disorganize, tangle, entangle: I found my
belongings all jumbled together.

--n. 2 muddle, tangle, medley, mess; disorder, confusion,
disarray, chaos, clutter: My clothes were in a jumble on the

jumbo adj. huge, gigantic, enormous, elephantine, immense, oversized,

king-sized, Colloq US humongous: Grandad brought us a jumbo box
of chocolates.

jump v. 1 leap, bound, spring, pounce, hurdle, vault, hop, skip;
caper, cavort, gambol: Jack, jump over the candlestick! Lambs
were jumping about in the meadow. 2 start, jerk, wince, flinch,
recoil: The sudden noise made me jump. 3 Sometimes, jump over.
skip (over), omit, pass over or by, bypass, avoid, leave out,
ignore, disregard, overlook, gloss over: Jump the boring parts
and read me the sexy bits. 4 pass, move, leap, skip: She
jumped from one subject to another so quickly that I couldn't
keep track. 5 advance, increase, rise, gain, surge, escalate:
The cost of living jumped again this month, causing fear of
inflation. 6 jump at. accept, grab, snatch, swoop up, leap at,
pounce on: Most people would jump at the chance to better
themselves. 7 jump on. attack, swoop down on or upon;
reprimand, rebuke: She jumps on anyone who suggests that she
used influence to get her job.

--n. 8 leap, bound, spring, pounce, hurdle, vault, hop, skip:
With one jump the cheetah was upon the gazelle. 9 rise,
increase, boost, hike, advance, gain, surge, escalation,
upsurge, increment, elevation: A jump in the Retail Price Index
drove share prices lower again yesterday. 10 barricade,
obstacle, hurdle, fence, rail, obstruction: My horse cleared
the first jump easily. 11 start, jerk, spasm, twitch, recoil,
lurch, jolt: When they called his name, he gave a little jump.
12 break, gap, hiatus, lacuna, space, hole, breach, rift,
interruption: There's a jump in continuity at the end of the
fourth chapter.

jumpy adj. nervous, agitated, anxious, jittery, fidgety, restless,
edgy, on edge, tense, shaky, skittish, fretful, uneasy, queasy,
restive, panicky: Do you think he was jumpy because we were
approaching Count Dracula's castle?

junction n. juncture, union, combination, joining, conjunction, meeting,
linking, connection, conjoining, intersection, confluence;
crossroads, interchange: The train robbery took place at the
junction of the two railways.

juncture n. 1 See junction. 2 point, time, moment, stage, period: At
this juncture, suggesting a merger seems premature.

junior adj. secondary, lesser, lower, minor, subordinate, inferior;
younger: Thompson has been offered a junior partnership in his

junk n. 1 rubbish, waste, refuse, litter, debris, scrap; US garbage,
trash: A man came to cart away the junk that we had cleared out
of the garage.

--v. 2 Colloq discard, throw away, scrap, cast aside, jettison,
US trash: We bought a new washing-machine and junked the old

junta n. junto, cabal, clique, faction, gang, coterie, band, set,
camarilla: After the coup, the country was run by a military

n. authority, power, prerogative, dominion, sovereignty, say,
control, rule, ascendancy, hegemony, influence; province,
district, area, bailiwick, compass, realm, sphere (of
influence), reach, clutches, range, orbit: Tierra del Fuego
seems a bit far to go just to be outside the jurisdiction of the
Inland Revenue.

just adj. 1 fair, equitable, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced,
reasonable, fair-minded, even-handed, neutral, objective: Do
you think you can expect a just trial after all that publicity?
2 upright, righteous, right-minded, honourable, honest, ethical,
moral, principled, straight, decent, good, upstanding, virtuous,
lawful: In our system of law, one must believe that juries are
basically just. 3 justified, justifiable, well-founded,
well-grounded, legitimate, valid, reasonable, rightful,
(well-)deserved, due, fitting, proper; condign: She has a just
claim to her father's estate. His punishment was just.

--adv. 4 only, merely, nothing but, solely, simply, at best, at
most, no more than: She said just that and nothing else. 5
exactly, precisely, perfectly; barely, only just, hardly,
scarcely, by a hair's breadth, Colloq by the skin of one's
teeth: My new car just fits into the garage, with only inches
to spare. 6 (only or just) now, a moment ago, (very) recently,
lately: We have just returned from a holiday in Tenerife.

justice n. 1 fairness, impartiality, objectivity, objectiveness,
equity, equitableness, fair-mindedness, justness,
even-handedness, neutrality, fair play: Justice triumphed on
this occasion, and he was convicted of fraud. 2 the law, the
police; punishment, prison, imprisonment, incarceration,
detention: He is a fugitive from justice. 3 law, right,
morality, lawfulness, rightfulness, legitimacy, judiciousness:
His conviction was a miscarriage of justice. 4 See judge, 1.

justify v. vindicate, legitimate, legitimatize or legitimize, legalize,
rationalize, substantiate, defend, support, uphold, sustain,
validate, warrant, confirm; excuse, explain, absolve, acquit,
exculpate: My worst fears were justified. How can you justify
owning three cars?

jut v. extend, overhang, project, protrude, stick out, beetle: The
balcony juts out over the lake.

juvenile adj. 1 young, youthful, under age, minor, teenage(d), immature,
adolescent, childish, infantile, babyish, puerile,
unsophisticated: What could be more juvenile than painting
graffiti on public buildings.

--n. 2 youth, boy, girl, adolescent, minor, Law infant: The
police have arrested two juveniles for attacking an old lady in
her own home.

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