25.1 zany...
zany adj. 1 clownish, mad, wild, frolicsome, sportive, playful, gay,
merry, slapstick, crazy, funny, comic(al), amusing, hilarious,
absurd, nonsensical, ludicrous, silly, foolish, inane, Colloq
wacky, loony, madcap, crackpot, nutty, goofy, US kooky: The
buskers put on the zaniest show I have seen for some time.
--n. 2 clown, comic, jester, fool, joker, buffoon, wag,
comedian, merry andrew, laughing-stock, Slang nut, US screwball:
The two zanies kept the crowd in stitches while the pickpockets
stole their wallets.
zap v. destroy, kill, slaughter, annihilate, murder, slay,
assassinate, liquidate, erase; shoot, electrocute, Slang rub
out, polish off, knock off, bump off, snuff (out), waste, hit,
US ice: The baddies got zapped by the ray gun, one after the
25.2 zealot...
zealot n. fanatic, extremist, radical, bigot, maniac, militant: We
have to deal with ruthless zealots who are willing to die for
their cause.
zealotry n. fanaticism, extremism, radicalism, bigotry, militantism,
terrorism, single-mindedness, monomania, fervour, frenzy,
hysteria, obsession, obsessiveness: Their attacks on innocent
civilians show how far their zealotry can take them.
zenith n. meridian, summit, acme, apex, vertex, apogee, high point,
top, peak, pinnacle: The dictator reached the zenith of his
power very quickly.
zero n. 1 nil, null, nothing, nought or naught, aught, cipher,
Cricket duck, Colloq nix, US goose-egg, nada, niente, Slang Brit
(sweet) Fanny Adams or F.A., bugger-all, US zilch: Temperatures
have remained below zero all day. The visiting team won three
games, we won zero. 2 (rock) bottom, nadir: On a scale of one
to ten, she is a zero. 3 nobody, nothing, nonentity, Slang US
nebbish, bupkis: That fellow she married is a real zero.
--v. 4 zero in on. focus on, pinpoint, fix on, home in on,
concentrate on, bring to bear on: We zeroed in on the problem
and then rapidly found the answer.
zest n. 1 spice, relish, gusto, tang, pepper, ginger, piquancy,
pungency, edge, bite, flavour, Colloq zing, zip, pizazz: Put in
a little of my home-made sauce to add some zest. 2 eagerness,
zestfulness, exuberance, appetite, interest, enthusiasm, hunger,
thirst: Where does Sidney get his zest for life?
25.3 zone...
zone n. area, quarter, district, region, sector, section, sphere,
belt, territory, province, realm, domain, precinct, bailiwick,
department, terrain, circle, locality, locale, Slang US turf: A
duty-free zone will allow for quicker transshipment of goods.
The northern and southern hemispheres each have a frigid,
temperate, and torrid zone.
zoo n. 1 zoological garden, menagerie, Tiergarten, (safari) park:
When I was a child, I enjoyed going to the zoo almost as much as
I do now. 2 madhouse, mess; chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, Colloq
US three-ring circus, Chinese fire-drill: When my husband and
the three children get ready in the morning the kitchen is like
a zoo.
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